
You have two dental plan options through MetLife: the Traditional Plan and the Preventative Plan.

The Preventative Plan focuses on preventative care and basic restorative services. The Traditional Plan provides more coverage, including major restorative services and orthodontia.

Cost for coverage

The amount you pay for coverage depends on which plan you choose and who you cover.

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The amounts shown here are for in-network coverage. You’ll pay more if you choose a provider who's not in the network.

In-network costs

Dental Plan Options
Traditional Plan Preventative Plan
Deductible $100 per person/$300 per family $100 per person/$300 per family
Preventive services 100%, no deductible 100%, no deductible
Basic restorative services
Filling and full mouth X-rays
80% after deductible 80% after deductible
Major restorative services
Crowns and dentures
50% after deductible Not Covered
Orthodontia services
Dependent children under age 26
50% after deductible Not Covered
Annual maximum
Excluding orthodontia treatment
$2,000 per person $1,250 per person
Orthodontic treatment lifetime maximum $1,500 per dependent child under age 26 N/A

Go to to see the difference between in- and out-of-network reimbursement where you live. For more details, view the dental plan documents . To find a Dentist click here and select PDP Plus as the Network Type.

Contacts and ID cards

The dental plan doesn’t have ID cards. You only need to provide your name and Social Security Number to the provider.

MetLife Dental
ID Number: Your SSN
Group Number: 83671

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